2020 Winners


Identifying government investment for enhancing community safety
— sponsored by Infosys

Covidvaccine-ready by Hackerknights
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

FireWater – showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water. by Water Warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Project 1286 by Team with no name
 — See project on Hackerspace

Swarm by Questionable Swarm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Science Tasker
— sponsored by AWS

Science Help by Team DANS
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

EnviroAssist by BC
 — See project on Hackerspace

DataTasker by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

ZenSci by citi-zen scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

GeoNodes by Team Chronos
 — See project on Hackerspace

Hack n Track by Oz-One
 — See project on Hackerspace

Markets for recycled organic products made from food and garden organics
— sponsored by encycle consulting

Circular Fogo System by Team 1315
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

OZ Circular Economy by Gold Coast Hackers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Awareness, understanding and respect – How can Open Data help the #BLM movement?
— sponsored by GovHack

Bias Catcher by Language Learners
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

The Lucky Country by CoCo
 — See project on Hackerspace


Caring for the Aged in COVID Times
— sponsored by Infosys

Smart Super by Disruptive Paradigm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

CareMate by Plus61
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

A-GEN Insights by A-GEN
 — See project on Hackerspace

AutoTrace by Pinecone
 — See project on Hackerspace

Second Chance by Crazy Dream and a Pinch of Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Withdrawing super during COVID-19
— sponsored by Australian Taxation Office

Smart Super by Disruptive Paradigm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Super Responsible by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Money Talks by Dirty Cash
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project Super Savings by Super SPRKSS
 — See project on Hackerspace

Super Solver for COVID by Adelaide Saints
 — See project on Hackerspace

Industry assistance during COVID-19
— sponsored by Australian Taxation Office

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Project 1342 by Team LE
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Smart Super by Disruptive Paradigm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Minterim by Hack to the Future
 — See project on Hackerspace

Super Responsible by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Assisting job seekers to take advantage of digital employment services
— sponsored by Department of Education, Skills and Employment

Live Job by Live Job
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Minterim by Hack to the Future
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

JobReady: Improving Employment Outcomes for Everyone by Team WUCHU
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project Resilience by SwitchCase
 — See project on Hackerspace

Find hidden gems within COVID-19 lockdown
— sponsored by Australian Research Data Commons

Explore by Data Don’t Preach
 — See project on Hackerspace

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

B-Here by The Winning Team
 — See project on Hackerspace

Trekstep by ElectronicallyE
 — See project on Hackerspace

Air5 by CoCo
 — See project on Hackerspace

The language of leadership
— sponsored by Australian Research Data Commons

Language of Power by Thaum
 — See project on Hackerspace

Prime Figures of Speech by The Watchmen
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

For the Record by The Quaranticians
 — See project on Hackerspace

Prime Minister Speech Analysis by Angry Anguses
 — See project on Hackerspace

The Lucky Country by CoCo
 — See project on Hackerspace

Data-driven decisions for improved disaster planning, management or recovery
— sponsored by CSIRO

Fires – a new way by Fires – a new way
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

EnviroAssist by BC
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

DataTasker by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

FireCloud by FireTec
 — See project on Hackerspace

Be Aware and Prepare by Codeless
 — See project on Hackerspace

Track and trace: help end plastic waste
— sponsored by CSIRO

Project Clearwater by Sanity is optional
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Project 1230 by Team 1230
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

DataTasker by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Cleaner Communities by Insert Name Here
 — See project on Hackerspace

Connecting our community in an emergency with mobile messaging
— sponsored by Telstra Developer

Project Mantissa by Team Mantissa
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Watchtower: An operational management system with integrated Telstra messaging and CSIRO data analytics for a smarter, more connected modern emergency service by Club Platypus
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

FireCloud by FireTec
 — See project on Hackerspace

iFAS (instant Fire Alert System) by MERITS
 — See project on Hackerspace

Solace by Swinburne Army
 — See project on Hackerspace

Data Driven IoT Insights for sustainable communities
— sponsored by Telstra Developer

FireWater – showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water. by Water Warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

FireCloud by FireTec
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Project Clearwater by Sanity is optional
 — See project on Hackerspace

The Fire Festival by The Fire Nation
 — See project on Hackerspace

Lights Out by Lights Out
 — See project on Hackerspace

GeoNodes by Team Chronos
 — See project on Hackerspace

New Zealand

Responding to the next regional, country or world emergency
— sponsored by Infosys

Checkon.Life by Team Technocrats
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

AutoTrace by Pinecone
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Swarm by Questionable Swarm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Connecting through Kōrero
— sponsored by Proaxiom

local 4U by local 4U
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Swarm by Questionable Swarm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Day Tripper
— sponsored by Proaxiom

Pā sites of Aotearoa by Undefined Behaviour 🔬
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

AccessMap by AccessMap
 — See project on Hackerspace

Getting Around
— sponsored by Proaxiom

AccessMap by AccessMap
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

LivCity by Team-IO
 — See project on Hackerspace

Learn to be Green
— sponsored by Proaxiom

AutoTrace by Pinecone
 — See project on Hackerspace

Making the most of your KiwiSaver
— sponsored by Proaxiom

WISER by Hedwig
 — See project on Hackerspace

Keep it Out, Stamp it Out, Manage it, or Recover from it
— sponsored by Whanganui District Emergency Management

AutoTrace by Pinecone
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

MyMSDChat by Gone with the Win
 — See project on Hackerspace

Thinking Outside the Box
— sponsored by Light & Vessel

Pā sites of Aotearoa by Undefined Behaviour 🔬
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Checkon.Life by Team Technocrats
 — See project on Hackerspace

WISER by Hedwig
 — See project on Hackerspace

Australian Capital Territory

Canberra Bouncing Back – a resilient City
— sponsored by ACT Gov

The Fire Festival by The Fire Nation
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Fires – a new way by Fires – a new way
 — See project on Hackerspace

Hypervoxels by Hypervoxel Inc
 — See project on Hackerspace

EnviroAssist by BC
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project 1255 by DISER
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

The Freers by The Freers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Canberra Bouncing Back – Better real time transport data for Canberra
— sponsored by ACT Gov

Unified GTFS-R Feed for Transport Canberra by In2Teq Proj A
 — See project on Hackerspace

Canberra Bouncing Back – First Hacker
— sponsored by ACT Gov

Fires – a new way by Fires – a new way
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

The Fire Festival by The Fire Nation
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project 1255 by DISER
 — See project on Hackerspace

Community growth and recovery
— sponsored by NTT

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

The Freers by The Freers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Cleaner Communities by Insert Name Here
 — See project on Hackerspace

New South Wales

Improving government services with open data
— sponsored by NSW Department of Customer Service

Signal- A Live Bushfire Reporting App by LitSquad
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Project Resilience by SwitchCase
 — See project on Hackerspace

Advise Now by Help desk warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

My Vote – The Future of Voting by Team Stone Kings & Queens
 — See project on Hackerspace

Using Liquor & Gaming data to provide information to customers
— sponsored by NSW Department of Customer Service

Project Resilience by SwitchCase
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Weekends by Go Airlinking!
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Liquor and Gaming Community Insights by In2Teq Proj B
 — See project on Hackerspace

Engaging communities in hazard reporting & safety
— sponsored by NSW RFS

Fire Watch by LAMP
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Fires – a new way by Fires – a new way
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

FireWater – showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water. by Water Warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project 1255 by DISER
 — See project on Hackerspace

Re-energising our city centre during the COVID-19 pandemic
— sponsored by Liverpool City Council

Project Resilience by SwitchCase
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Present.ly by Hackatouille
 — See project on Hackerspace

Re-energising 2170 by Locked Down
 — See project on Hackerspace


Bushfire Ready
— sponsored by QLD Gov

Fire Focus by USC Researchers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Be Aware and Prepare by Codeless
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Bush fires by The Digbys
 — See project on Hackerspace

Pandemic Survival
— sponsored by QLD Gov

PACT – Pandemic Aged Care Tracking by Just A Nurse
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

CLEAR (The app of the future) by Team 1050
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

Government Spending
— sponsored by QLD Gov

Spend Tracing by Gold Coast Hackers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Data Seeker by Data By Design
 — See project on Hackerspace

Small Business and Tourism
— sponsored by QLD Gov

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Cleaner Communities by Insert Name Here
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

CLEAR (The app of the future) by Team 1050
 — See project on Hackerspace

Spend Tracing by Gold Coast Hackers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Understanding the impact of climate change on extreme weather events on the Sunshine Coast
— sponsored by Sunshine Coast Council

Bush fires by The Digbys
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

ZenSci by citi-zen scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

GeoNodes by Team Chronos
 — See project on Hackerspace

South Australia

Economic recovery, jobs and livelihoods in SA
— sponsored by SA Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Eco Pulse by ProHackers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Meented by Menteed
 — See project on Hackerspace

Second Chance by Crazy Dream and a Pinch of Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Supply Chain Disruptions by SwitchCase
 — See project on Hackerspace

Predicting unusual and unexpected surges in demand for health services
— sponsored by Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health

Cov-ER Me CRA-Z by MackHackers
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Smart Health by iWing
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

CareMate by Plus61
 — See project on Hackerspace


Best Use of Tasmanian Heritage Data
— sponsored by TAS Department of Premier and Cabinet

Heritage Hunt by Team Wonder
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

B-Here by The Winning Team
 — See project on Hackerspace

Best Use of Tasmanian Spatial Data
— sponsored by TAS Department of Premier and Cabinet

SCOOT by Hobart Hackerspace
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Heritage Hunt by Team Wonder
 — See project on Hackerspace

Most Outstanding Tasmanian Benefit
— sponsored by TAS Department of Premier and Cabinet

SCOOT by Hobart Hackerspace
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Heritage Hunt by Team Wonder
 — See project on Hackerspace

Most Tasmanian Commercial Benefit
— sponsored by TAS Department of Premier and Cabinet

 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

De-Plastic by iWing
 — See project on Hackerspace

B-Here by The Winning Team
 — See project on Hackerspace

Rethinking mobility for a more accessible Hobart
— sponsored by City of Hobart

Accessible Hobart Revamp using AI and GIS by Team 1023
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

SCOOT by Hobart Hackerspace
 — See project on Hackerspace

Human approach to mobility by Just me
 — See project on Hackerspace

Smart lighting for efficiency and dark skies in Hobart
— sponsored by City of Hobart

Lights Out by Lights Out
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Save the lights, save the world by EconData stories
 — See project on Hackerspace

Lights of Hobart by SAAmigos
 — See project on Hackerspace

Open challenge to benefit the greater Launceston community
— sponsored by City of Launceston

De-Plastic by iWing
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

B-Here by The Winning Team
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Online Monitoring of High-Voltage Transmission Lines and Bush Fire System by iWing
 — See project on Hackerspace


Citizen Science
— sponsored by VIC Department of Premier and Cabinet

ZenSci by citi-zen scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Mask Count by Citizen Scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Experimenting the Possibility by Alohomora
 — See project on Hackerspace

EnviroAssist by BC
 — See project on Hackerspace

GeoNodes by Team Chronos
 — See project on Hackerspace

Animal Welfare Tracker by Lonely Knight
 — See project on Hackerspace

COVID-19 Economic / Social Recovery
— sponsored by VIC Department of Premier and Cabinet

Mask Count by Citizen Scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Smart Super by Disruptive Paradigm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Time is running out ! by Raindrops
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Air5 by CoCo
 — See project on Hackerspace

Learning from the Past
— sponsored by VIC Department of Premier and Cabinet

Hypervoxels by Hypervoxel Inc
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

EnviroAssist by BC
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

FireCloud by FireTec
 — See project on Hackerspace

For the Record by The Quaranticians
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project 1064 by BushfireAiForecasters
 — See project on Hackerspace

Proactively reducing rubbish and pollution in our waterways
— sponsored by Melbourne Water

Smart Traps by Team 1004
 — See project on Hackerspace

Runner Up

Coral – protect the lives by Square
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

DataTasker by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Western Australia

Plan your vote. Here’s how.
— sponsored by Electoral Commission

My Vote – The Future of Voting by Team Stone Kings & Queens
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Plan Your Vote by A New Hope
 — See project on Hackerspace

Australian Capital Territory

People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

The Fire Festival by The Fire Nation
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

My Vote – The Future of Voting by Team Stone Kings & Queens
 — See project on Hackerspace

Project 1342 by Team LE
 — See project on Hackerspace

New South Wales

People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

Signal- A Live Bushfire Reporting App by LitSquad
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Covidvaccine-ready by Hackerknights
 — See project on Hackerspace

Science Help by Team DANS
 — See project on Hackerspace


People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

ZenSci by citi-zen scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Project Clearwater by Sanity is optional
 — See project on Hackerspace

locali ☕ by Big Sunday
 — See project on Hackerspace

South Australia

People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

FireWater – showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water. by Water Warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

FireCloud by FireTec
 — See project on Hackerspace

Money Talks by Dirty Cash
 — See project on Hackerspace


People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

SCOOT by Hobart Hackerspace
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

B-Here by The Winning Team
 — See project on Hackerspace

De-Plastic by iWing
 — See project on Hackerspace


People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

Mask Count by Citizen Scientists
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

Smart Super by Disruptive Paradigm
 — See project on Hackerspace

Super Responsible by Marvellous Creations Hacking Data
 — See project on Hackerspace

Western Australia

People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

Minterim by Hack to the Future
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

The Freers by The Freers
 — See project on Hackerspace

New Zealand

People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

WISER by Hedwig
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

MyMSDChat by Gone with the Win
 — See project on Hackerspace

AutoTrace by Pinecone
 — See project on Hackerspace


International People’s Choice
— sponsored by GovHack

FireWater – showing firefighters the fastest route to real-time available water. by Water Warriors
 — See project on Hackerspace

Honourable Mentions

SCOOT by Hobart Hackerspace
 — See project on Hackerspace

Signal- A Live Bushfire Reporting App by LitSquad
 — See project on Hackerspace